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Learning Basics for Motorcycle Emergency Lights

First responders utilize a variety of emergency vehicles, and at LedEquipped, we’re here to service all of them. From ambulances and fire trucks to police vehicles of all types, our emergency vehicle lights are perfect for all vehicle makes.

One area that’s growing in popularity among many police forces is the use of officers on motorcycles. Whether you’re one of these or simply a non-police first responder who rides a motorcycle in their spare time (and therefore needs lights in case of emergency), here are some basics to know about motorcycle lights.

Consider Some Basics

Before you begin purchasing the proper motorcycle lights for your machine, it’s important to think about a few big areas:

  • Space: Many motorcycles have limited space to install new lights or light bars. Consider this before making any purchases.
  • Color: Be sure you’re fully confident in which colors you’re allowed to use on the road.
  • Is this a fleet vehicle or a personal vehicle?
  • Vulnerability: Consider the areas where you’re most visible vulnerable – is your motorcycle lacking side or rear lighting options? If so, look to fill these areas first.

Questions to Ask

A few basic questions to ask yourself:

  • What am I looking to accomplish with these lights?
  • Are there any major blind spots?
  • How do the lights you need interfere with equipment already on the machine?
  • What’s the most vulnerable area from a light standpoint?

Good Light Suggestions

There are several different light types that might work well for you, depending on the type of motorcycle you own and your precise needs. Here are a few of the most popular options:

  • Surface mount LED emergency lights
  • Hideaway lights – both strobes and LEDs
  • License plate brackets
  • Pod lights with SMD LEDs

For more on motorcycle emergency lights, or to learn about any of our options for all emergency vehicles, speak to the pros at LedEquipped today.